Sunday, January 24, 2010

Maybe I'm turning into my mom or something, but I really like working out. I can feel my muscles tensing and my heart racing and It's....invigorating. I think I'm gonna run more marathons and just get in shape. One of my New Years resolutions is to regain some of my childhood energy back. Like, it must have left during puberty and I miss it :-(

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I can never seem to finish anything I start (which includes homework :-O) But I have about 5 unfinished journals laying around and I feel bad because all their potential is being wasted. And, i guess friendships never really "begin" or "end" like a book. It more evolves, like space. Getting bigger and filled to the brim with stars and bright, flashy colors. Beautiful to look at, even more beautiful to be a part of.

~ Off topic, but is it weird if a song never gets old? I mean, turns 80 and refuses to retire to some rocking chair or something. Cause I've listened to "Be my Escape" By Relient K nearly 100 times and it's still feels like the first time every time I hear it. Or maybe "I'm just a Kid" by Simple plan. All those oldies, but goodies. Goodies I wanna stuff inside my goodie bag fur sure.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you, even when I know you’re wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone
The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me"

~Drops of Jupiter By Train.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Today, I danced so hard I tore a whole in my socks.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sex, sex and more sex! What is it about that 3 letter word that drives everyone to the brink?! Sure it's probably great, but there a hell of a lot more things that are, most likely, better. Go and read a fucking book or something. Gain brain cells god! Teenagers choose the craziest things as cultural icons. Drugs, sex, partying, ill-literacy! Sorry for complaining. It's just that, these things drive me off the walls. Well, I can handle the drugs and partying, but the ill-literacy and sex don't go well together with me. Not at all. But who the fuck cares what I think? I'm just an angsty kid with a short attention span.
I always tend to see you as someone else entirely when if fact, your exactly the person everyone says you are.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I keep feel like I'm wasting my life away in front of my computer screen. If I have any free time at all, it's with my eyes glued to clicks and flashing advertisements. That, and my phone. Oh gosh. The teenager and their phone (Look for it, the next Disney Channel Original Movie) It feels awkward texting like, right when I get up int he morning. My brain is just starting to function along with my limbs, so I try to avoid that the best I can. With everything, I hide behind texting because it's easier to say how you feel within the pain of your fingers. Short and simple. Maybe that's why I like blogging so much. But yet again, I do tend to like the pain.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I define movement as the changing of one thing to another. Maybe it be the movement of the mind or of the legs.
The planets move all the time. They can't decide how or when or why, but they do. And since new matter appears into space all the time, it's never a boring sight to be lingering around. Unlike here. Don't get me wrong, I love all my friends here and we're always running around causing mischief. But, the scene never changes. All year 'round, it's this building and that. This tree and that leaf. I can't help but feel like an injured planet, stuck to face one way always. Deep endless space compared to deep endless paved roads.

Legs can depend on a lot of things. Exercise, pants, body shape...whatever. But where you take them is different. You can keep them on the ground, fearful. Or, you can jump high and soar. I can't help but to watch people walk and wonder if a force is pulling them there. It's kinda like that tube-type thing in Donnie Darko. It's fate. Why are you leaving? Please keep your legs here! I miss them.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm really scared that this might not just be a normal cold front. With this whole global warming stuff piling on, I'm speculating maybe we're missing a huge sign with it "snowing" in Florida. I mean, that doesn't happen! When did mother nature decide to turn things around for us? We never hurt anyone. We're just this awkward shaped state sticking out from a stable (unstable) continent (economy). What's in store for us?......we may never know.
I always feel a little insecure when I can't seem to write like those people with iron words and solid sentences. Who can "feel" what they write and can become their emotions. They become their emotions. I can't feel crap when I write and maybe that the problem. I cut myself off from everything and words seem to get stuck somewhere between wherever I think of them and my fingertips.My fingertips seem to disconnect sometimes and do the talking. Dirty, dirty fingertips say some nasty things to people who don't deserve it. But I can't help it. Maybe deep down everyone deserves nasty words thrown at them. Just for a wake up call. My fingertip[s are a completely different person, with each fingertip being something different. One can touch, while another can stab you in the back. It's all a cycle of time and thought. Maybe that's called impulses. In Florida, feeling and impulses are as illegal as speaking your mind. If only that annoying kid could keep his comment to himself. By this time, everyone probably stopped reading this blog because it's not poetically inclined or has some subdued meaning for the lonely person to decipher. This will be straight-forward (for the most part) and honest. You can read it and learn about my brain and how it can't function without my usual routine of whining and complaining.
Today was probably the coldest day of the strange cold front that has invaded Florida.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Having sex is one thing..but kissing...kissing is the hard part. Its awkward, sometimes sloppy, and definity a lot more intimate. And I pray that the first kiss is the best.
I can't wait to see what comes out of Darlington Park.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tonight, i'm having an all night chat with my best friend from New York, Jordan Tannenholtz. You don't understand how excited I am. :-)

Friday, January 1, 2010

New post of the new year!! This morning I woke up...and I felt like I couldn't breathe. It was an odd feeling..moving forward. It was like over night I refused to keep going so I got stuck somewhere between 12:00 and 12:01. I'm glad I get to sleep in my own bed tonight. It was just delivered yesterday by two Spanish men with large muscles. It's blue and lovely. As well, I need to go "Arielify" my room with posters and crap.