Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I define movement as the changing of one thing to another. Maybe it be the movement of the mind or of the legs.
The planets move all the time. They can't decide how or when or why, but they do. And since new matter appears into space all the time, it's never a boring sight to be lingering around. Unlike here. Don't get me wrong, I love all my friends here and we're always running around causing mischief. But, the scene never changes. All year 'round, it's this building and that. This tree and that leaf. I can't help but feel like an injured planet, stuck to face one way always. Deep endless space compared to deep endless paved roads.

Legs can depend on a lot of things. Exercise, pants, body shape...whatever. But where you take them is different. You can keep them on the ground, fearful. Or, you can jump high and soar. I can't help but to watch people walk and wonder if a force is pulling them there. It's kinda like that tube-type thing in Donnie Darko. It's fate. Why are you leaving? Please keep your legs here! I miss them.

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